I meant to get these out as two seperate blogs, but since the grades came in at nearly the same time, I'll combine them into one post. This is for my communication degree, Jon. I didn't forget your comment; I just thought my first teacher would have my grade soon, so I'd have mentioned what degree I'm going for about 5 weeks ago.
Class #4 was my first senior-level course, entitled Communication Through the Eyes of Faith, though it was basically easy, lots of thinking and writing (which I enjoy). Unfortunately, I missed 1 point, thus narrowly missing the 100 percent for the entire class. I laugh at myself for how much that 1 point rankles me. Sadface. (Yes, I know I could put :( but using words to describe emoticons is funny to me.)
Class #5 was called Media and Feature Writing. The teacher was super fun. She expected quite a lot of us, but I really like to perform well for my favorite teachers. I got an A in her class, scoring about 10 points above class average on each test. This class was difficult at times because several questions on the tests were marked wrong when they were right. This destroyes my faith in "the system," despite some "this system is flawless" rhetoric from the teacher. ALWAYS CHECK YOUR TESTS FOR GRADING ERROR! Also, the teacher's work-study student who graded most of our grammaticals was wrong 80 percent of the time when marking my paper. This is fact, not conjecture. I was keeping score.
So 5 classes with all A- or better. This is good, because I'm a momentum kind of student. I'll keep trying this hard until I get a B. If and when I do, I'll likely slack off more because the straight-A's opportunity will be gone. Momentum.