Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Star Wars Marathon

We finally did it. We planned this event for three years, for shame. Yet the time came to pass where we finally watched all six Star Wars movies starting at Episode 1 and ending at the end (where else did you think we'd end it?).

It was about how I thought it would be. In a word: LONG. I don't plan on ever doing it again, but it was fun once.

Amber and Donald came over Friday, and spent the night for this event. We laid the futon cushion on the ground in our living room, which the dogs loved. All in all, 14 hours of TV in two days was fun but headachy.

All in all, I came to one conclusion that cannot be denied: many of George Lucas's ideas are the worst parts of the grand universe he created.


Amber said...

Plus, the movies suck.

Diego said...

Our next challenge will be to re-make the pre-Empire movies.

What's our next marathon?
