Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Catching up on all things bloggy

1. I'm still getting straight A's.

2. I was very sick for about 3 weeks. I used 70 hours of paid sick leave. I lost 10 pounds in 12 days.

3. The sickness made me miss 2 periods of 1 class, which is normally cause for dropping the class. My teacher decided to reward my perfect attendance up to this point by giving me an Incomplete until I get the work caught up.

4. Having a pregnant wife is interesting but not as interesting as people say. I've seen it before. It's the same, except it's happening to me. She's also calm and happy to be pregnant, so she remains sweet instead of whiny, despite the growing pains.

5. Regardless of issue, my viewpoint will be different from most people. This is not a new characteristic for me. I always end up in a different place by a different path. One thing remains consistent - I want to be the best (not my best, but THE best) at everything. Fatherhood is no different.

6. Seeing my grandparents and aunt, uncle, and cousins has become one of my favorite traditions during the November/December holiday season.

7. I emailed my father. He called me presumptive. So nothing's changed in our dynamic.

8. I've seen several interesting movies. Wish I could remember which ones. Moon was disappointing. HP 6 was disappointing. Saw a Hitchcock film, Rebecca, that ruined the coolest parts of the book of the same name. I guess Hollywood has been ruining great books for at least 70 years, then.

9. I only have 8 weeks until I'm done with classes. (Well, not entirely. I dropped our online class when the teacher gave us too much homework in the syllabus and wanted to have us meet for class twice at the school. Kind of defeats the purpose of online, then, doesn't it? I'll have to take this class during the summer.)

10. I'm sure there are more things. Maybe I'll have the time or inclination to write more after I step out from under the rain cloud of never-ending homework. I wanted to give homework up for Lent, but my wife thought my idea wasn't truly in the spirit of Lent.

Later, folks.

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