Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm snotty at Christmastime

Of course, this comes as no surprise to anyone who really knows me, but the fact remains that I'm snotty. All my life, in good seasons and bad, I have been snotty. People often look at me in pity, but I DO NOT NEED THEIR PITY. Could I, however, have a tissue?

Christmas was fun with our family in Texas. I'm sure my dad would have magnanimously given his advice on the subject, like he did when my grandparents were in town a couple months ago. He told them they should take some time to visit my wife and me. We, of course, already had plans with them, so thanks for the suggestion dad.

Baby O got snotty in the worst way. Now I love babies, when other people are holding them. I mean they're fine for me to hold, but I have a smaller chance of dropping them or doing lasting harm the less time I spend in close proximity. Anyway, Baby O, who likes men, never seemed to take with me. I even held him sometimes (pretending I knew what I was doing), which may have been the problem. So go figure--what does his reaction say about me? He did give me his snotty nosed-ness. I can handle lots of things--poopy diapers, flu-related symptoms, etc.--but runny noses really gross me out.

So anyway, I played some chess with the eldest son (names are being withheld because my aunt withholds them on her blog). I went 2-2 against him. He had 2 quick checkmates in the first two games before I got riled enough to see past the effervescent fog of Nyquil. I crushed him the last two games, though he always played for the sneaky checkmates and came close a couple times.

We played Settlers of Catan with the three oldest kids. About 3 games to be exact. Hanna won all of them, of course, but the little strategist (6 year old niece) got to 9 out of 10 points needed for victory. You could actually see the little cogs in her brain working hard to try to win.

I spent most of Christmas Eve and a bit of Christmas Day sleeping or napping, overcome by the Baby O-induced cold. I'm still fighting it. All in all, I'm just happy that this is the first cold of the season. Normally, I'm sick long before now.

Giving and receiving presents from family was nice, though a bit nerve wracking. After 8 years of a father coming to me to tell me that my sister didn't like the presents we bought for her (nevermind teaching gratitude or graciousness, no instead perhaps it is just be easier to criticize me), I can't help but feel anxiety around most kinds of gift giving. I enjoy thinking about people and trying to buy them something they would like, but my stomach gets this low-sinking feeling every time.

Hanna seemed to survive her gluten issues while in Texas, though apparently soy is getting to be nearly as bad. My aunt and uncle truly went out of their way to check ingredients. It's a lot to learn. We are very appreciative of their efforts!

Anyway, Christmas was tons of fun, even though I got sick.

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