Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cohort Rep

So, our class Cohort 41C has a position for representative - basically, the front person for our little group who acts as the student liaison between the faculty and the cohort. Our original rep has dropped out. So they asked for new applications to be submitted.

After a long and arduous process in which I filled out a paper requesting consideration for the position, I got the job! They were so wow'ed by my qualifications and experience that they picked me. (Or maybe I was the only applicant.)

When absences and tardies need to fearlessly recorded, I am there. When the cohort cries out in need of a contact list, I am there. I am the cohort rep.

PS. Also, there is a 10% tuition discount!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hmm...I don't know if I can still be friends with you now that you are a brown nosing, money grubbing, low level politician. I try to stay away from those...
