Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Did my professor even read the book?

My first book for my first class back at Evangel for my communication degree is a pretty generic book outlining what college life will be like for adult, non-traditional students. It speaks on studying, test taking, note taking, and many other topics.

When talking about test taking, it says to skip questions you don't know the answer to, because later in the test, another question may remind you of the answer or give a jolt to your memory links - good advice and a strategy I've used since elementary school.

Our college has a different system of quiz/test taking where you can do it online. This is great for my class because we only meet for four hours once a week for five weeks. Class time is valuable. However, when taking the tests, you must answer the question in front of you. There is no going back to a previous question.

In the past, I would save for the end questions that required me to think hard. This allowed me to know exactly how much time I had to think about it, while allowing me to complete the rest of the test and not run out of time being stuck on a hard question. I guess this strategy is out too.

On another note, I just turned in my first paper. This will go along way in my mind to determining if I still have the capacity to do schoolwork.


Diego said...

Let me guess, you're using blackboard. It bites monkeys.

JECompton said...

Hey there, Merc. I had intended to read your blog now and then, so now I will at least glance at your posts most of the time.

Hope school goes well for you.

Mercutio said...

I'm using Angel. It also does something with monkeys.
