Friday, September 26, 2008

The Point When You Realize...

Have you ever witnessed the point where you realize the person you are talking to doesn't know a thing about computers? How about when you know that person sits in front of their computer all day, probably making a mess of things?

I was on the phone with a lady who was trying to add information to a PDF form. I took her through the steps on how to save it. I reminded her to save it where she can remember it. I reminded her to just put in a number in the numberical field she was wanting to fill in. Then we did a "Save As...."

When she went back to look for it, she asked me if it saves as a PDF. I told her that a PDF form saves as a PDF, yes. Then she went to where she thought she put it and said she would have to open all the files there because she didn't know what the name of the file was. I reminded her that the name of the file was on the emailed document she received. Then she opened it up and, surprise, the information wasn't there!

At this point, my faith in her abilities was long gone. I had her forward the email to me with the attachment. I put the changes in, saved it, and the information stayed there. I hope this is a progam error and not her error. That would be sad.

1 comment:

Diego said...

Sadly, it is her. Believe me, I know. She is suffering from a techinical problem known as pebkac (Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair.)

There are many, many people who should not be allowed near computers. She is apparently one of them. Do her computer a favor and take it out back and have it shot. It will thank you.
