Jitters and Twitches: Over the last six months my body would have random skin/muscle twitches. These would occur apparently at random times, which made finding the cause quite difficult. My eyelid twich was the worst. The length of time the symptom occurred was also random. I clocked a couple muscle twitches which lasted on and off over the course of several hours. My longest single one was nearly 30 minutes. Since quitting Mt. Dew, my body has not had any twitches. I've had a couple cans of Dew while weening myself off of it, and the twitches sometimes return for a short while.
Sleep Problems: Caffeine causes sleep problems! Go figure. I could usually fall asleep pretty quickly most days, as long as I did not drink a Mt. Dew in the afternoon. The most interesting aspect of quitting the caffeine is that I wake up in the mornings well rested. I'm finding that getting out of bed is far easier than it has been in a long while. I'm more tired at normal times during the day. I'm guessing that this is normal, though also annoying with no remedy. My rest feels much more natural.
Stomach IBS: The doctor told me I had IBS when I described my symptoms. Upon changing this one aspect of my diet, I've discovered some other problems. I'm chalking this up to a similar the pain killer pill addiction that some people have--things hurt more when you go off of pain killers, but it's better for you. As long as I was hopped up on Mt. Dew, my body could not deal with some of the other garbage. The IBS is actually still in play, but soda is mostly out of the equation.

Other Organ Problems: I'm calling it my liver, but I really have no idea what exactly is wrong. I'm having an interesting sensation in my lower front left part of my abdomen, just under my belly button and slightly to the left. It feels like something is there that shouldn't be. I'm attibuting this to Mt. Dew, though it may be a larger problem (or not a problem at all, if it goes away).
Body-Reset Problem: I have no name for the biggest issue that started happening. Basically, my heart, nervous system, and breathing system would all convulse at the same time. I would feel as if everything shut down for a moment, then reboot. Definitely scary. This happened less than 10 times, but after the first time, I felt some changes were needed. Since I have, for the most part, quit Mt. Dew, I have had none of these body-reset issues.
These are the health reasons for quitting soda for one year. Also, I find that I'm much more thirsty for water, which I think is a good problem.
Wow... how much dew did you drink a day? That sounds almost as bad as going off alcohol. Way to go!
I was at about 1 can (12 oz) a day, not anywhere near the national average.
Get Joey to check you over and tell you what needs balancing. He can diagnose more accurately than I can. Once he does that, I can help with balancing you out.
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