Friday, April 11, 2008

God loves dogs

The age-old arguments about cats and dogs came into some kind of focus in my mind the other day. You see, I've been thinking dangerous thoughts about the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That led me to thinking about obedience to God.

I've been pondering this question: Is obedience stupid?

I've lived with dogs and a cat. Dogs do untold amounts of stupid tricks out of love for their owner (and of course a reward in the form of a snack). If trained properly, they obey. They can learn to do amazing feats. Eventually they learn to obey even without a treat; they obey by instinct.

Cats live their own lives. They do what they want. They too are capable of doing amazing feats, but they do it on their own for self reasons.

Many people hate dogs because, they say, dogs are stupid and cats are independent. Many other people love dogs because dogs are show more desire for your affection than cats do. (Of course, there are exceptions to these stereotypes. We are not addressing those exceptions here.)

So this leads me to think that God loves people who behave more like dogs. He would have preferred nobody would gain the knowledge of good and evil and become so painfully and awkwardly aware of their self-ness. He would have preferred, and still does prefer, less knowledgeable people responding in obedience. Of course, obedience could also lead to great feats and possibly great knowledge as well, just of a different sort - a sort that might seem silly or stupid to those of us who have lived since the Fall.


Ouph said...

The Bible and history does prove over and over that God has this pattern of using those "less capable."

Here's a thought: Scientists talk about how we only use a part of our brains. And yet, somehow, Adam in his time of "less knowledge" managed to name every creature God made. Makes me wonder, although we wouldn't have had the good/evil knowledge, if we would have had a lot more types of knowledge and brain capability.

Diego said...

I have to disagree with you. God doesn't want automatons. God wants us to love Him. In order for us to love Him, we have to be able to hate Him as well. Otherwise it's slavery and not love. That would make God a tyrant rather than a king.

Additionally, God calls Himself the Lion of Judah. He identifies with cats, big cats. We all know how cats feel about dogs.

God has accomplished a lot with less capable people, but He has accomplished more with the better educated and more capable.

Let's not forget Moses, God's friend, was raised as Egyptian royalty. (People known for worshipping cats I might add.)

God did more to spread Christianity through the apostle Paul than through most of the other disciples. Paul was very intelligent, very strong willed (Christ had to play I'm bigger than you with him on the highway), and very independent. (read: cat like.)

That's my two cents, for which I am certain to be reamed.
