Nothing stands out.
Losses: 1 point
I really wanted to enjoy two of my favorite actors - Anne Hathaway and James McAvoy - but I found them to be quite boring. I blame that on the script. It was dull and beyond predictable.
Final Judgement: -1
I have a hard time describing how I feel about this movie. By the end, I was ready to go anywhere and do anything else. My expectations were pretty high from the previews I saw. I think the movie wanted to have the depth of a Jane Austin novel, but in the attempt to mimic, it actually lost its charm.

On a weird note, Hanna actually enjoyed the movie. I can think of only one other movie that I didn't like but she loved: Mona Lisa Smile. So if you liked that movie, you might like this one.
Yes, I haven't quite figured out what specific "thing" it is that seperates our movie tastes, but they definitely take seperate paths on certain movies.
I really enjoyed the Austin movie, mainly because of how I felt they did a good job drawing on historical moments in her life and combining them with scenes and ideas from her books. Maybe you just have to be an Austin geek to really like the movie?
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